Istria, Poreč, fenced agricultural land

Plot size

0 m2

Distance from center

5400 m

Distance from see

5400 m

175.000 €


We offer for sale agricultural land in the vicinity of Poreč. The land covers 10192 m2.
The agricultural land has a regular shape and is fenced. Three greenhouses, a container and a wooden tool house are included in the land price.
Also included in the sale price is the aggregate and the valves and pipes necessary for working in greenhouses.
The greenhouses are equipped with tables and drip irrigation for approximately 2,500 plants, as well as heaters.
It is important to note that there is a well with water on the land.
If you are looking for agricultural land, this is an exceptional opportunity.

Custom ID: D-215

  • REI ID : 63573
  • Internal agency ID : 2337
  • Insert date : 23.05.2024.
  • Aktualisierungsdatum : 25.06.2024.
  • Number of views : 339
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