Building land in center of Umag

Plot size

2442 m2

Distance from center

150 m

Distance from see

500 m

price on request


Real estate Istria, building land on sale, Umag

Building land has a total of 2442 m2. The best business location in Umag. Proper shape of the land, access from asphalt, all necessary infrastructure along the terrain. Possibility of construction of business-commercial building max. floor area of 1221 m2. Maximum number of floors of the building is 5 above ground floors and 2 underground floors. Ideal property for investors looking for the most attractive position for their business. Near Lidl, Spar, Bipa, Teddy, Intersport, gas station and more.

For any further information you may need please do not hesitate to ask.

  • REI ID : 41847
  • Internal agency ID : 3926
  • Insert date : 29.05.2021.
  • Aktualisierungsdatum : 02.12.2022.
  • Number of views : 5181
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